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Posts from January, 2024

  • How Training in Hot Climate Differs From Cold Climate Athletes, coaches, trainers, parents of athletes, or physical education students all have one thing in common— they all want to optimize their physical training. And one way to do that is to understand the effects of training in different climates. Whether you're preparing ... Continue Reading
  • Elite Arm Care: Proper Care For Baseball Players Blog Introduction: Playing baseball is amazing, but most players tend to neglect their arms rather than focusing on arm care. Your arms are connected to your shoulders, and the proper care of these parts of your body is essential. Playing baseball can lead to shoulder and ... Continue Reading
  • The Top 5 Fitness Characteristics Every Baseball Player Needs When it comes to playing baseball, it's not just about knowing the game itself. You need to make sure you're physically fit and ready to play. That's why we're going to go over the top five fitness characteristics that every baseball player needs. Prepare to sweat, but also ... Continue Reading
  • Pump Up Your Chest: 5 Best Exercises for Chest Growth! You know that feeling when someone asks you to lend a hand, and you flex your guns, and they're like, "Whoa dude, are you hiding a small farm animal under your shirt?" Yeah, that feeling. So why not add some serious volume to your chest? Not only will it help you pull off ... Continue Reading
  • Eat Your Way to Gains: How Much Protein Do You Really Need? If you're into fitness or have ever been to the gym, chances are you've heard people talking about protein. But just how much of it do you really need to eat to maintain muscle mass? The answer isn't as straightforward as you might think. Our bodies have different protein ... Continue Reading
  • Breaking the Taboo: How your Menstrual Cycle Affects your Performance in the Weight Room Ladies, let’s be real. We don’t always love discussing menstrual cycles. It’s a taboo topic that we don’t love to bring up. But did you know that your periods can have a direct effect on your athletic performance? That’s right! Your menstrual cycle can impact your strength, ... Continue Reading
  • Auto-what Now? The Beginner's Guide to Autoregulation Picture this: you're at the gym, getting ready to complete your workout for the day. Your program says you need to deadlift 3 sets of 8 reps at 80% of your max. Cool, you think to yourself, let's do this. But as you start your first set, you realize that you're feeling more ... Continue Reading
  • When is the Best Time of Day to Train? Fitness enthusiasts often ask the question, when is the best time of day to train? Many people believe in the idea that the earlier you train, the better, while others think that late afternoon or evenings may be more effective. In reality, the best time of day to train can ... Continue Reading
  • How to Actually Crush Your 2024 New Year's Fitness Resolution in 5 Simple Steps Ah, the New Year. Time to make some big promises to yourself that you know you probably won't keep. But what if I told you that you could actually accomplish your fitness goals this year? Yes, even you, the notorious resolution breaker. All it takes is a little bit of ... Continue Reading